Is an EBCLT Lease a good fit for me?
Here is a set of questions for potential Land Users to ask themselves to help determine a “good fit” with Earth Bridge Community Land Trust (EBCLT):
Do I want to live on this leased land and in the town where it’s located?
Am I willing to become a member of a community that maintains an alternative culture regarding land ownership, stewardship, and land transactions?
Am I committed to putting stewardship of the land and the well-being of the Land Trust community at the forefront of my plans?
Do I understand the limitations of an EBCLT lease and support the philosophy behind them?
Do I have the patience (both in acquiring a lease and for the long term) to be an active member of organization that can be slow moving, is imperfect, but is firmly rooted in strong ideals?
You can download our standard lease agreement here.